Or, a cute baby in the house...
Or, pillow pets. What is it about pillow pets? I am so attracted to them, and secretly want one of my own. (I know you think they are cute too, so hush)
I am so grateful that this year all of our families were healthy enough to be together after many years of at least one person being very sick for Christmas. This year it was (almost) sneeze free, and for that I felt very fortunate to be in the company of our sibs and families this year. Blessings abound. And, Christmas Eve Tello Taco's too!
This is the same table I ate Christmas Eve dinner on for 30-ahem- something years now, and it now seats my daughter. I do love how some things never change. I love the tradition.

Wow. Christmas Ninja keeps popping up everywhere. Was he at your house too?
Remember the magic of the Christmas tree? I sure do. I suppose it never ceases to draw your eye as well as your heart.
And now, we are back at home, leaving goodies for Santa. She really didn't want to leave him a cookie, she wanted just healthy food on his plate. No milk for him either, this year. Water instead. Sheesh.
Christmas morning with smiles, the smell of coffee brewing, and lounging in jammies.
Jeremy was confused at this pink envelope found at the very bottom of his stocking. Wha??? Tickets to go see Roger Waters" The Wall" Live tour 2012??? EEEEEE!!! He can scream just like a little girl. We are sososososososososososo excited! This has been on our bucket list for many, many years.
And then it was off to Nana and Papa's to celebrate the morning with the rest of the family.
Pot holder city. Homemade from my sweet little girl.
And then it was back home again to set the table and prep for Christmas dinner.
A place for everyone, and everyone in their place.
Add family, food, pleasant conversation, hearty laughter and you've got yourself a very fine holiday.
And then it's back to a quiet house, and another year has gone by.
Tipping my glass to all of you and wishing you and your families a great year ahead. 2012, can you believe it? Be safe tonight, drive carefully, and Happy New Years!
Oh, and watch out. That Christmas Ninja has a knack for popping up unexpectedly................
Ha ha ha! I love the part about Jeremy screaming like a little girl! Too funny! How cool! I love all the Christmas photos. All so gorgeous! And that Christmas Ninja looked awfully familiar... Happy New Year, Marla!! Here's to all good things in 2012!