A wall color has been chosen and carefully sprayed on the walls by Jeremy and his dad (thank you, Don!). The color we finally chose was Gull by Martha Stewart. I can't seem to stretch my palate to a color that doesn't belong to the beige family, but my red dining room/kitchen is the yin to that yang, I think...Oh, and before I forget, I fibbed. That Bella Cucina blender I posted about in the last post is more like $30. It also got lukewarm reviews. I've had mine for years and never had a problem, but seems like some people have. Boo.
So, I know most of you Facebook. I do. I have this love/hate thing going on about it. I love to know the happenings of people, what they are thinking, how their lives are going, stuff I would otherwise not know so much of. I love to see pictures of families, kiddos, vacations, etc., I love the connections. The basic goodness of it. But,
The love part of it is: You get to go back to High School.
The hate part of it is: You get to go back to High School.
I went to a high school that had a small student body, only about 115 or so, give or take a few, in my graduating class. A good chunk of my friends on fb are people I went to school with. A lot of those people I have known since we were itty bitty kindergartners. And even if we barely talked, or were good friends throughout those years, I feel we have a history together, of growing up here.
After high school, as people do, we were spread far and in between. Being one of the few that stayed put on The Rock, I thought I had lost touch with so many people. I was sad to think that I may never know what the people I spent the last twelve years with were up to, and how they were, what they were doing. Years sped by, which also brought with it a weirdness. Nobody was the same person as we were back then. Every once in awhile I would run into someone from high school, at Thriftway or something, visiting the Island, and it was weird. Do I say something? Do they remember me? Oh, no! I think I remember her name...It's been a long time.. Great. I'm in my sweats, and gross yard boots....I haven't seen you in ten years, and yes, my hair style has not changed, and my kid sometimes screams at the check stand. Even if we had known each other well back in the day, there was this shy weirdness.
Facebook, has taken a little of that away, for most of us passive aggressive folk. There are the people that never post a status or a comment. Dude. Not foolin' anyone. We all know you are on fb as much as we all are, you silent stalker, you. Then there are the folks that status update every five minutes. Don't worry. We're tuning in. You make it interesting. What I love about it, is that even though we are friends on fb, and may have avoided each other in the supermarket the other day, I know you're OK, and have virtually met your family. Fb is great news, for shy people. And I'm so glad to know that you all are doing so great.
What's not so great about fb is it can bring up those adolescent feelings of high school. All those icky self esteem issues. We may be adults now, but more so like older versions of our younger selves. I can't speak for all you, of course, but there are days when I feel old, old, old, and then there are days I feel like a clumsy teenager. Yep. Welcome to the mid-thirties.
Fb can make you feel less than, quickly, or even hurt your feelings by what people do, or don't say. What's also not so great about fb, is it can bring out the nastiness in people. Strangers fighting with strangers, duking it out on comments under a mutual friends post. I notice hot subjects usually do the trick, and set the stage for heated arguments. It sure can lead to hard feelings and once it's there, it's there for the world to see. Not so great.
Fb is what you make of it, I suppose. It can be a tricky mine field or a lovely place to hang out. Whatever the case, if you can, make it a good place to be, because it houses your friends.
With that thought, make way, because this is headed to a town near you:
Since our family observes a weekend full of Easter celebrations, my weekly post will be a bit late next week. Let the hunt begin!
Have a Happy Easter, everyone!
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